The Woodwalton Apron

The Woodwalton Apron forms a ‘C’ shaped strip of land between the Alconbury Weald, the Fen Edge and the Nene Valley. It is underlain by Jurassic Oxford Clay and has an approximate elevation range of 10 to 30m OD. The apron is dissected by small streams. To the north large clay pits in Hampton Vale have modified the landscape. There is a small area of up-faulted Middle Jurassic strata near Stilton. It is underlain by Jurassic Oxford Clay and the clay-rich soils are often poorly drained. There are patches of River Terrace Deposits, Alluvium and outliers of Glacio-fluvial Deposits and Oadby Till.

There are no geological SSSI and two LGS, Ramsey Heights Brick Kiln and Clay Pits, and Orton Brick Works and Brick Pit. Upwood Meadows is a NNR.