Links to some useful websites:


The geology of Suffolk

Geological Society of Norfolk

The geology of Norfolk

Natural England

The government’s adviser for the natural environment

Further information on various aspects of local geology and landscape can be found on the following sites:

Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Holding some of the UK’s most important geological collections.

Chatteris Museum

Fenland Life

Cambridge Natural History Society

organises many talks and field events and has links to many other local societies

Wisbech & Fenland Museum

local and international geology (rocks & minerals), paleontology (fossils), conchology (shells)

Burwell Museum

A Fen Edge village

Ely Museum

Formation of the Fens

Ramsey Rural Museum

History and life in the Fens

The Great Fen

Restoring fenland habitats

Wicken Fen

The National Trust’s fenland nature reserve

Peterborough Museum

Including world-famous Jurassic fossils and Ice Age displays

Norris Museum, St Ives

Includes Jurassic, Cretaceous and Ice Age fossils (currently closed for refurbishment)

The Wildlife Trust

for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire